Archive for the ‘News’ Category

A member of our research team participated in the RHESI workshop at the University of Lugano

A member of our EUROAC project team, Bojana Ćulum, participated at workshop Analysis of Case Study Data and Interview Data, held in Lugano, the 21st and 22nd February, 2011. Jochen Gläser, from Technische Universität Berlin and Grit Laudel, from the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente in Netherlands, led the workshop.

A co-operation with the Springer Publishing Company was agreed

A co-operation with the Springer Publishing Company was agreed. It is expected that the first publication will be published by the end of 2011, as the result of joint efforts of project partners in analyzing the literature and previous research on thematic areas of the IPs.

Greeting card

Bojana Ćulum, a member of the Croatian EUROAC project team, acquired the academic degree of PhD

A member of the EUROAC project team from the Faculty of PHumanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Bojana Ćulum, defended on 14th December, 2011 the doctoral thesis entitled University teachers and the university mission: attitudes, conditions and implications for the integration of the university civic mission, and thus acquired the academic degree of PhD.

ESF published a call for an education course

ESF published a call for doctoral students and young researchers for an education course Applications of Organization Theory in Higher Education Research. The education course will take place from 23rd to 25th February, 2011 organized by the University of Lugano, Switzerland. The call for proposal is open until 15th November, 2011. More information available here.

PhD studentship linked to Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded project on Changes in Networks, Higher Education and Knowledge Societies (CINHEKS)

pdficon_small PhD studentship linked to Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded project on Changes in Networks, Higher Education and Knowledge Societies (CINHEKS)

Post-doctoral fellowship – The Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

pdficon_small Post-doctoral fellowship: Research in Portugal (Higher Education and Science Policy studies)

Greeting card

Greeting card

Public statement regarding the launch of the project Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission (EUROAC)

RIJEKA, October 1, 2009. – We are pleased to inform you that a group of scientists and associates from the University of Rijeka (composed of:  Professor  Jasminka Ledić,  PhD,  project leader, Professor Branko Rafajac, PhD, Bojana Ćulum, MSc  , Nena Rončević, MSc  – all from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and Sandra Nuždić and Marko Turk – from the Foundation of the University of Rijeka) had their project The Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission approved by the European Science Foundation.  The project is implemented  within the collaborative program  The Academic Profession in Europe: responses to societal challenges,  in collaboration with scientists from 5 European countries (Germany, Austria, Ireland, Romania and Switzerland).

pdficon_small Public statement regarding the launch of the project Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission (EUROAC)

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