Project leader:
Professor Ulrich Teichler
International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER)
University of Kassel, Germany
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Marie Clarke
School of Education and Lifelong Learning
University College Dublin, Irland
Dr. Johnatan Drennan (Co – PI)
School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems
University College Dublin, Irland
Dr. Gaele Goastellec
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professor Jasminka Ledic
Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Hummanities
University of Rijeka, Croatia
Dr. Benedetto Lepori
Center for Organiozational Research, Faculty of Economics
University of Lugano, Switzerland
Professor Luminita Moraru
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
University of Dunarea de Jos, Galati, Romania
Professor Hans Pechar
Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Professor Marek Kwiek
Center for Public Policy
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
Professor Timo Aarrevaara
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Helsinki, Finland