Call for papers – CHER 26th Annual Conference (Lausanne, 9-11th September 2013)

CHER 26th Annual Conference
Lausanne, 9-11th September 2013
Observatory Science, Policy and Society
Social Sciences Institute
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Call for papers: CHER 26th Annual Conference

PhD course in HE governance in Oslo (Nov 2012)

“Changing dimensions of higher education governance”, 14-15 Nov 2012, Oslo

More info:

UNIKE FP7 – a call for doctoral & postdoctoral positions

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention at a new call for doctoral and post-doctoral positions (research on higher education) within the UNIKE project (Universities in the Global Knowledge Economy; funded by FP7 – Marie Curie Actions).

Detailed information at

Please feel free to disseminate this information to interested individuals. Many thanks!

On behalf of the UNIKE project

With kind regards,

Prof. Pavel Zgaga
CEPS, University of Ljubljana
A member of the UNIKE consortium

Conference Announcement: 25th CHER annual conference: Higher Education and Social Dynamics Belgrade, 10-12 September, 2012

25th CHER annual conference: Higher Education and Social Dynamics Belgrade, 10-12 September, 2012

Ljubljana, 13 September, 2012 (post-conference symposium)

Hosting institution: Centre for Education Policy Belgrade (CEP), University of Belgrade, Centre for Education Policy Studies of the University of Ljubljana/Faculty of Education

You can read more about the conference at

Conference Announcement: EAIR 34th Annual Forum: The Social Contract of Higher Education Stavanger, Norway, 5-8 September 2012

EAIR 34th Annual Forum: The Social Contract of Higher Education Stavanger, Norway, 5-8 September 2012

Hosting institution: University of Stavanger

You can read more about the conference at

EuroHESC Final conference: Higher Education and Social Change – Looking Forward, Berlin, 29-31 August, 2012

At the final conference of the Higher Education and Social Change (EuroHESC) programme on 29-31 August 2012 the four Collaborative Research Projects presented the preliminary results of their empirical research to each other and to invited experts and engaged in debate on four cross-cutting topics concerning the changing relationship between higher education and society.

Conference Booklet

Invitation to the 21st EAN Annual Conference, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2012

The 21st EAN Annual Conference, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2012

The University of Zagreb is pleased to invite you to the 21st EAN Annual Conference, “Access to Higher Education: is it a right, a privilege or a necessity?” (Affordability, Quality, Equity & Diversity), which will take place on 27-29 June 2012 at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The conference will discuss the impact of rankings; issues of affordability, quality, equity and diversity; the responsiveness of education systems to new demands and trends. There will be a strong element of student participation within the programme. This year there will be two additional pre-conference training sessions: (i) Creating an accessible academic environment and support services for students with disabilities; and (ii) Developing inclusive teaching and learning methods for diverse student groups.

Participants will also be invited to the SiS Catalyst conference “Children as Change Agents: Putting Global Thinking into Action” free of charge. This event takes place on 26th, a day before the EAN conference.

For more information on both events please see or contact Mrs Deniza Drusany,, tel. +385 1 4564 210.

POD Leadership Development Institute 2012

The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) and Michigan State University are pleased to offer the inaugural POD Leadership Development Institute 2012

The POD Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is designed to provide an introduction to leadership development for faculty developers and other academic administrators in higher education. The POD LDI will be analogous to the POD International Institute for New Faculty Developers, in providing a foundation to identify and explore key issues and decisions for those who wish to provide leadership development programs and services for their institutions.

When: May 22-24, 2012

Where: Michigan State University Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

For more information, including the program agenda, please contact Allyn Shaw at or 517.355.5761 or visit the url:

Call for Papers: HE and research in the Western Balkan countries – 3-4 May, Zagreb

The University of Oslo, together with the University of Zagreb, Centre for Education Policy in Belgrade and the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade is involved in a three-year project “European integration and higher education and research in the Western Balkan countries”, supported by the Norwegian Research Council.

As part of the project, a two day conference is being organised in Zagreb, 3-4 May 2012. During the conference, there will be also paper discussion sessions and attached is the call for papers.

Call for papers: European Integration in Higher Education and Research in the Western Balkans

Call for Applications: Two PhD Scholarships for Doctoral Programme in Comparative Politics

Call for Applications: Two PhD Scholarships for Doctoral Programme in Comparative Politics

Latest Activity