Public statement regarding the launch of the project Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission (EUROAC)

RIJEKA, October 1, 2009. – We are pleased to inform you that a group of scientists and associates from the University of Rijeka (composed of:  Professor  Jasminka Ledić,  PhD,  project leader, Professor Branko Rafajac, PhD, Bojana Ćulum, MSc  , Nena Rončević, MSc  – all from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and Sandra Nuždić and Marko Turk – from the Foundation of the University of Rijeka) had their project The Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission approved by the European Science Foundation.  The project is implemented  within the collaborative program  The Academic Profession in Europe: responses to societal challenges,  in collaboration with scientists from 5 European countries (Germany, Austria, Ireland, Romania and Switzerland).

pdficon_small Public statement regarding the launch of the project Academic Profession and Societal Expectations: Challenges for University Civic Mission (EUROAC)

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