International symposium: “The privatization of higher education: Private investments for the common good?”

20-21 OCTOBER 2011
“The privatization of higher education: Private investments for the common good?”

You can read more here.

Eurodoc summit for early stage researchers

15 September 2011

You can read more about the summit here.

“Universities and the state” conference, Higher School of Economics Moscow

The conference takes place on 28-29 October 2011, and it is organized by the Russian Association for Tertiary Education Research with the support of the National Research university – Higher School of Economics.

The working languages of the conference will be Russian and English, but simultaneous translation will be provided. Potential participants can upload their extended abstracts until 12th of September, and applicants will be informed about the decision by 20th of September. Please refer to the documents linked below for more information on the extended abstract guidelines.

The sessions and round tables will focus on the following issues:

  • The autonomy of universities: perspectives and risks
  • The evaluation of the quality of higher education: state’s and professional mechanisms
  • The government’s support in the development of the university network
  • Financial support of the researches in universities
  • Social and government systems of accounting and reporting of universities
  • New contemporary roles of the state, business and universities
  • The government’s regional policy in higher education
  • The private section of higher education

General information about the conference can be found here: HE conference 2011

Information on how to apply can be found here: How to apply

Application scheme should follow this format: Application for paper

Announcement of the Scientific Colloquium

Announcement of the Scientific Colloquium: European Group for Organisational Studies, Colloquium 2011. Sub-theme 45: Reconstructing Universities as Organizations: Increasing Authority with Limited Strategic Capabilities. Scientific colloquium will be held in Gothenburg, Germany, from 6th to 9th July, 2011.

ESF organized another training course for doctoral students and young researchers

A training course on the subject Understanding transformation in relationship between societies and higher education: A network approach was held for doctoral students and young researchers participating in EUROHESC programme. Lectures and workshops preceded this year CHER conference What are the prospects for higher education in the 21st century? Ideas, research and policy, held in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 23rd to 25th June, 2011.

Nena Rončević, a member of the Croatian EUROAC project team, acquired the academic degree of PhD

A member of the EUROAC project team from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka, Nena Rončević, on 10th June, 2011 defended the doctoral thesis entitled The University and Education for sustainable Development: an analysis of the assumptions underlying the successful implementation of academic activities, and thus acquired the academic degree of PhD.

A new meeting of EUROAC project partners in September 2011.

On 26th and 27th September, 2011 a new meeting of EUROAC project partners will take place at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The central topic of the meeting will be the methodology of international comparative data collected through interviews and the preparation of papers for the third joint publication.

A meeting of EUROAC project partners was held in Vienna

On 2nd and 3rd May, 2011 the meeting of EUROAC project partners was held in Vienna, at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies. The central topic of the meeting was the preparation of book chapters based on the results of CAP survey (second joint publication).

Great news – further cooperation agreed with the Springer Publishing Company!

A further cooperation on a series of publications on changes in the academic profession in Europe, was agreed with the Springer Publishing Company. Two new publications are expected to be published until June, 2012.

Members of our research team participated in an educational course at the University of Lugano

Members of our EUROAC project team, Bojana Ćulum and Marko Turk, participated in an educational course Applications of Organization Theory in Higher Education Research, held at the University of Lugano in Switzerland from 23rd to 25th February, 2011.

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